Making Finances Simple. Changing Lives.
3/8/2022 IRS Phone ScamsTax season is always a time where scams are more prevalent. And with all the talk of cyber attacks due to the events going around our world right now, it’s important to know how to protect yourself… Conventional advice such as creating more in depth passwords, rotating passwords, and shutting off computers are always wise.
But what about when it comes to communication “from the IRS”? We’re glad you asked! We figure tax season and the world’s current events is a good time to reference an FAQ on our website. Checkout this article on our site for more information on things you should know about IRS communication. This will help you decipher if that call you got is really from the IRS. And of course you can contact us any time if you’re just not sure whether you’re being scammed, or if it’s true communication from the IRS that you need to manage. Comments are closed.