Is it the IRS, or a scam?
We’re often asked by clients whether the call or email they received is an imposter or an actual IRS contact. Here are some things you should know to protect yourself from potential scammers:
The IRS Does NOT:
- Call to demand immediate payment
- Demand taxpayers pay taxes without first being given the opportunity to question or appeal the amount owed
- Ask taxpayers for personal information via email or social media
- Threaten to bring in police, immigration officers, or other law enforcement officials to have someone arrested for not paying taxes
- Threaten to revoke civil rights such as driver’s licenses, business licenses, or immigration status
The IRS Does:
- Generally begin contact by mailing a bill to taxpayers who owe taxes
- Usually send mail via the US Postal Service
- Call or visit a home or business under certain circumstances, such as when a taxpayer has an overdue tax bill, to secure delinquent payments, or tour a home/business as part of an audit (i.e. - verifying a home office). However, the IRS will generally send several notices via mail first before visiting
- Present official identification if visiting a taxpayer, as well as offering taxpayers the right to call a dedicated IRS number to verify any agent identity
- Assign certain cases to debt collectors, but only after written notice is given to the taxpayer
- Offer multiple payment options
Feel free to contact us if you’re concerned about a scamming situation.
Also, click here to learn more about how to deal with actual valid notices from the IRS.
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