Making Finances Simple. Changing Lives.
12/7/2012 You Don’t Have to "Fit In The Box”It is well known that home loan financing is harder to obtain these days, and documentation more involved. That doesn't mean you have to be the perfect, straight-forward borrower to obtain home loan financing at great terms...... Below are two examples of loans we funded with unconventional situations. We funded a loan with no “earned” income, only income received from spousal support and equalizing payment income. This borrower was declined by several well-know banks before finding us…and we funded the loan at better terms in just 30 days! We funded a home purchase loan that saw the borrower’s credit score decrease 60 points on the day we opened escrow because a late credit card payment suddenly appeared on credit. We were able to get the late payment removed within 3 days and close the purchase escrow on time, while obtaining the best terms for our client. If you need help with home loan financing but don’t “fit in the box”, feel free to contact us to see if we can help. Our extensive knowledge of tax returns and loan underwriting will help you navigate through today’s maze of home financing! Comments are closed.