Making Finances Simple. Changing Lives.
12/2/2021 Yet Another Increase in Loan LimitsHome prices keep going up, so Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac once again increased conventional loan limits. Changes From 2021 to 2022
Regular conforming loan limits for one-unit homes are increasing from $548,250 to $647,200! “High Balance” limits for designated high-cost areas are increasing from $822,375 to $970,800! Multi-unit homes vary from the above amounts. What This Does for You This 18% increase in the above loan limits allows more borrowers to qualify within conforming loans instead of jumbo loans, which provides the following benefits:
While these changes don’t go into effect with Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac until January 1, 2022…we’re already allowing the higher loan limits now. Contact us if you have questions as it pertains to your specific situation…we’re happy to help! Comments are closed.