Making Finances Simple. Changing Lives.
8/8/2013 Why You Should Know Your Hourly PayKnowing your hourly pay will help you make better decisions on whether you should, or should not be completing certain tasks. In the rest of this article we will provide you with an easy way to calculate what your work is worth on an hourly basis. We will also help you determine which tasks you should delegate to others..... We all have certain things we hate doing. For me, it’s housecleaning. I absolutely hate cleaning bathrooms. I can’t stand sweeping and mopping floors. I would rather run five miles than do a load of laundry! You also have tasks you hate the thought of completing. You have three choices for those tasks: 1) Hire somebody else to do them 2) Do the tasks yourself 3) Don’t have them done at all If you hate a task and earn more than the cost to hire help for that task, exercise option #1 above...hire somebody! If you hate a task and earn less than the cost to hire help, option #2 is all yours...suck it up and do it yourself! If you love the task and earn more than the cost to hire help, go with option #2 above and keep doing the task. If the task doesn’t really need to be done, well, you know what to do...STOP IT! Here’s an easy formula for calculating your hourly pay: Simply remove the last three zeros from your annual salary and divide the remaining number in half (assumes you work a standard 2,000 hours per year). For example, if you make $25,000 a year, your hourly rate would be $12.50. If you earn $100,000, you make $50 per hour. What tasks do you hate doing? What tasks have you delegated to others? Please share your comments below. Comments are closed.