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The Social Security Administration (SSA) no longer mails out benefit statements to those under age 60. If you fit this demographic, here’s what you should be doing. Online Account
Anyone looking to learn more about their future Social Security benefits and current earnings history must open a Social Security account online. This can be done by going to this link. Reasons to Sign Up By having an online account, you can access many resources that are critical to your finances. It’s important to review your Social Security Benefits Statement annually to ensure the accuracy of information being reported with your income, working quarters, etc. You can sign up to receive alerts of annual statements being posted. We recommend saving these and comparing with your previous years’ statements, as well as your income info. These statements will show your different potential benefits, as follows:
You’ll be able to view different benefit projections based on certain assumptions. The site is a very useful tool to aid in your financial planning process! Comments are closed.