Making Finances Simple. Changing Lives.
11/19/2015 Tired Of Renting?In many areas of the country, rents have gone up so much that it pays to look at owning a home instead of renting, especially once tax benefits are included. See below for more info on why you may want to look at buying (or educating a friend to buy)..... It pays to understand the tax implications of your decisions; and we’re happy to help you uncover the affect taxes have on your finances. Many people don’t realize they could be paying less to own a home than they are to rent! By simply doing a custom tax projection showing the financial impact of owning versus renting, one might find it makes sense to purchase a home. Of course there are many considerations; each situation should be assessed individually. That’s where we are here to help! We’re happy to provide you with a custom rent vs. buy tax projection, personalized just for you. No cost; no obligation. Just information! Click Here to checkout a sample different of renting versus buying (or click the image below) HOW YOU CAN USE THIS:
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