Making Finances Simple. Changing Lives.
9/20/2010 There is No One-Size, Fits-All AnswerIs now the time to buy a home? Are interest rates going to drop even further? Should I refinance my home right now..... These are all questions I hear on a daily basis. And the answer to each one of these questions is the exact same: “It depends”. It depends? Yes, it does. There is no other answer to these questions. It depends on your individual situation at the current time. It depends on how the economy reacts to our government’s intervention...and how quickly. It depends on your future goals. “Objective advice is an absolute must from those you choose to trust.” I can give you 10 reasons right now why anybody should buy a home, and 10 more reasons why they shouldn't. I can also give you 10 reasons why interest rates will stay down, and another 10 why they have to go up. There is no way to predict the future... MY JOB IS TO EDUCATE YOU ON YOUR OPTIONS I pride myself on being able to arm you with all of the information you need regarding your financial options. I will never suggest you make a decision that is in my best interest over that of you and your family...THAT IS A PROMISE. I believe objective advice is an absolute must from those you choose to trust. THE BEST DECISION FOR YOU & YOUR FAMILY I have learned 2 important musts about decision making:
Contact me any time with your finance questions. I promise to give you informed, objective information so you can make the best decision for you & your family. Comments are closed.