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8/18/2022 The Many Advantages to Owning a HomeFor several years now, many have been wondering if the real estate market is hitting a bubble. We’ve maintained the stance that market timing is never a great strategy, as it can bite you where it hurts! Instead, we always recommend making decisions based on your family and financial situation at the time, taking a short & long-term view in helping make the best buying/selling decisions. With that being said, we wanted to list some benefits to home ownership for your consideration… Home ownership was once considered the American Dream; it was the key to financial security & success. Owning a home, along with having a pension and Social Security, meant you were set for life. Things have changed a bit. However, owning a home still carries tremendous benefits versus renting.
Home Ownership Advantages
The above list doesn’t mean owning a home is always a superior option to renting. Each situation must be looked at uniquely. We’ve been providing our clients with home loans for over 20 years. Should you have questions as it pertains to your specific situation regarding buying, selling, and refinancing…feel free to contact us…we’re happy to help! Comments are closed.