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7/28/2022 The Latest CA Stimulus Coming Your WayCalifornia has authorized an additional Stimulus, which it is calling the Middle Class Tax Refund. See below for details… To qualify, you must:
Timing & Amounts Payments are expected to be sent between the end of October 2022 and be completed by the middle of January 2023. Payments will come in the form of either a direct deposit, or a debit card. Amounts will be between $200 - $1,050, pending filing status, income level, and whether dependents were claimed on your return. You can estimate your payment amount by clicking here. NOTE: you’ll need a copy of your 2020 CA tax return handy when using this estimator. You’ll need to know the figure on line 17 of your CA 540 (or line 16 of your CA 540 2EZ). Info taken from the FTB website at this link. Comments are closed.