Making Finances Simple. Changing Lives.
3/19/2020 Tax Changes Related to CoronavirusWe’re sending this update to provide information regarding the current state of tax return requirements during these uncertain times. Of course things are changing rapidly in our world, so this info is subject to change. First off, we hope all of you are safe and that your families aren’t too badly affected by what’s going on with this virus. Truly crazy and scary times. Below you’ll find deadline information for filing and payments, as is currently available. Deadline to File:
We highly suggest continuing with filing as normal by April 15th. You can always delay payment amounts owed according to the dates below. Deadline to Pay Taxes Owed (including quarterly estimated payments):
We hope this helps clarify the current information we’ve received regarding deadlines for filing and paying your taxes. We’ll be sure to keep you updated as info comes to us. Comments are closed.