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11/9/2012 Tax Planning StrategiesTo my friends, family and clients: As we near the end of the 2012 tax year, I want to provide you with some planning strategies you may find helpful in lowering your tax liability......... Contribute Max to Retirement Plans - 401k’s up to $17,000 (+ $5,500 catch-up if over 50 years old) - Traditional IRA’s up to $5,000 (+ $1,000 catch-up if over 50 years old) Prepay Property Taxes - Pay February, 2013 property tax installment by December, 2012 Prepay Mortgage Payments - Pay January, 2013 mortgage payment by December, 2012 Make Charitable Donations - If you “tithe” on income as earned, prepay your 2013 tithes by December, 2012 - Donate appreciated stocks held more than one year (can deduct full market value & pay no capital gains tax…versus first selling stock then donating proceeds) Sell Loser Stocks - Sell stocks that are currently worth less than you paid for them - Nets against other capital gains + can take $3,000 net capital loss Turn Your Hobby into a Business - Losses reduce other taxable income with very few limitations Maximize Health Savings Account Contributions - Account earnings are tax free & contributions reduce taxable income - $3,100 max for individual plans…$6,250 max for family plans (+ $1,000 catch-up if over 55) Consider Refinancing - Any points paid on a previous refinance will be fully deductible in tax year of new refinance REMEMBER: - Additional income is taxed at your top tier percentage. - Conversely, any deductions from income save taxes at your top tier percentage. - Reducing taxable income not only saves taxes at the top tier percentage, it may also help you avoid phasing out of tax deductions & credits (includes child tax credit, student loan interest deduction, education credits, etc.) ** Each situation should be analyzed individually. Alternative Minimum Tax rules may negate the impact of the strategies mentioned below. Most strategies mentioned help those who itemize deductions. Comments are closed.