Making Finances Simple. Changing Lives.
12/11/2012 Stick With Your List!It always cracks me up when people say they don’t go to Costco (my favorite store!) because they can’t leave without spending too much money. I don’t understand the logic in avoiding a store (that saves you money by having most items on discount) because you don’t have self-control..... Now don’t feel bad if this describes you. Nobody has self control without the support of a plan. This is why advertisers and marketers prey on us. This is why their buildings are bigger than ours! If we don’t have a plan, they will create one for us. So how do you solve this problem? Create a list…and stick with it! Make a list of items based on what you need. Then don’t let your impulses tell you that you “need” more than what is on your list. Challenge yourself to visit a store without buying one thing that wasn't on your list when you walked in. Does anybody follow this strategy? Comments are closed.