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9/4/2014 Social Security Taxation & BenefitsRead below for a quick reference guide on Social Security Taxation and the effect on your benefits if you keep working..... To calculate IF social security income is taxable:
2022 Base Amounts:
To see HOW MUCH social security income is taxable: Generally up to 50% of your benefits will be taxable. However, up to 85% of your benefits can be taxable if either of the following applies to you:
Determining the EFFECT OF EARNED INCOME on benefits: In years PRIOR to full retirement age:
In the YEAR OF full retirement age:
In the TIME AFTER full retirement age:
Click here for the Full Retirement Age Calculator on the Social Security Administration website. We always recommend that you speak with a qualified financial advisor before making any decisions related to your social security. Updated 1/25/2022 Comments are closed.