Making Finances Simple. Changing Lives.
9/5/2013 Financial Lessons From A Bike RideThis past Labor Day I went on a long bike ride through Laguna Beach with a friend. Throughout the ride we would wave to bikers and runners going in the opposite direction. We couldn't help but notice how friendly everybody was in greeting our wave with a “Good Morning!” Or a “Happy Labor Day”! What is it about being outdoors that makes people seem happier? They are nicer. They wave. They say hello. And what on earth is the financial lesson to learn here?! Well, I believe these people are jovial because they are improving their fitness in the great outdoors. There is something refreshing about getting physical exercise while enjoying God’s wonderful creation. Working on your physical wellbeing and accomplishing better health is a rewarding experience. The resulting good feeling that arises is very evident when you see the “moods” of fellow exercisers. The same goes with finances. You will notice that people who have some financial margin in their lives have a little more peace about them. They aren’t carrying the stress of living paycheck to paycheck. They aren’t ready to snap at the old man who just took their parking spot at the grocery store. People with a little financial margin aren’t yelling at their kids every five minutes. Financial margin is something any of us can accomplish. It just means simply spending less than you make and having some savings to smooth out the bumps in life. Make financial margin a priority to lower the stress in your life. Others around you will notice just like I did on my Labor Day bike ride. You’ll be more patient with your kids. You’ll have more time with friends. You’ll say hello to that person walking toward you on the sidewalk. If you are financially stressed out, we can help. Our Personal Finance Coaching program was designed to help you create financial margin. We will help you implement a specific action plan to ensure your goals are met. Click here to learn more about how our program can change your life. It changed mine! (Read Chad’s inspiring story) Comments are closed.