Making Finances Simple. Changing Lives.
A couple times per year I volunteer to help coordinate one of Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University (FPU) classes at my church. Last night marked the end of another class. But for many, this ending was a new beginning..... FPU is a 9-week class that is made up of an upfront teaching video by Dave Ramsey, followed by a small group discussion. This small group discussion is what has made Ramsey’s FPU class special for me...and for all attendees. This last class brought some incredible stories; a few of which I mention below. 1. One of our group members shared how he once had 72 credit cards! He told the group how he paid them all off and cancelled each of the cards. He now carries these plastic nightmares in a business card holder as a reminder of his past with debt. How awesome is that?!! I actually wrote a blog article about his story a few weeks ago. Click here to read this gentleman’s story in more detail. 2. During the “Giving” lesson last night, another group member shared how she and her husband decided to part ways with their Lexus to become a one-automobile family. It was a decision they made after having a child and being a little tight on finances. After two years of dealing with the “inconveniences” of having only one car, they were one day surprised by a friend who gave them his car! These are just two of the stories shared in our 9-week journey together. They are stories of real people like you and I. Inspiring stories of how making a commitment to get out of debt can change your story. I highly recommend Dave Ramsey’s FPU class as the teaching lessons provide you with the basics of finance; while the small group atmosphere allows you to share with others, and learn from others. We are all in this game together. Let’s help each other along! Does anyone have a story they want to share about their finances? If so, please comment below! Comments are closed.