Making Finances Simple. Changing Lives.
Most people don’t consider Sheryl Crow to be an authority on giving money advice. However, that is exactly what she did when she wrote her song “Soak Up The Sun”..... Contentment plays a major role in your finances. Sheryl Crow nailed this in her 2002 song “Soak Up The Sun” with the lyrics “It’s not having what you want, it’s wanting what you've got”. What great, sage advice! Sheryl covers a couple key financial principles here related to contentment: 1. Life isn't all about getting what you want 2. Life is about being happy with what you have If you live in America, you are wealthy. Don’t believe me? Ask the other 99.9% of the world who would think so. If you are reading this, you likely have access to a computer or a mobile phone. I’m guessing you probably plan on eating at least a couple meals today. Those facts alone make you “richer” than 99.9% of the world. But are you richer? You might be better off financially, but are you happier? Many studies show that people with “more stuff” aren't necessarily happier. In fact, many are miserable. What is the solution to this contentment issue? Quit getting caught up in society’s “more is better” game! Quit keeping up with the Joneses! You know the Joneses. They are those people who just refinanced their house to buy a nicer car and save their boat from foreclosure! Don’t constantly crave the things you don’t have. Don’t always be searching for more. Take Sheryl’s advice and “soak up the sun” that already exists for you!! Comments are closed.