Making Finances Simple. Changing Lives.
5/2/2019 Christmas Presents in MayThis is a topic we've written about before, but we can't help revisit it from time to time, as it's such a game-changer for many folks! It’s difficult to hear about people not enjoying Christmas like they once did, for whatever reason that may be.
But it’s even more difficult when the reason is financial difficulty resulting from the season! One of the primary joys of the Christmas season is gift giving. But joy turns to anguish when debt is the result. So we wanted to reach out to you in May, in order to provide an action plan you can implement well before Christmas arrives. In fact, we’re going to provide you with a link to an article we wrote more than 6 years ago to tackle Christmas debt problems. It’s called “Changing the Day of Christmas”. You can read this article by clicking here. We hope you find this to be helpful and that you’ll implement the plan! Contact us if you have questions…we’re happy to help! Comments are closed.