Making Finances Simple. Changing Lives.
12/26/2012 Balance Your Kids' Christmas Toy InventoryI hope everybody had a great Christmas day with family & friends! This is the time of year when parents watch their kids open presents and wonder where all the toys will fit…and how on earth their kids will play with all the toys without neglecting any. Well, here’s a solution..... Any time your kids get a new toy, make sure they replace an existing toy with that new toy. They can then give the replaced toy to Goodwill, The Salvation Army, or another friend who might like the toy. That way your kids’ “toy inventory” doesn't outgrow your storage, nor does it outgrow their capacity to play with them all. And another child less fortunate will be able to ensure the replaced toy gets plenty of play time. A win-win for everybody! This also forces your children to make choices with their toys knowing they can’t have them all. Does anybody implement this idea? Comments are closed.