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8/19/2013 Are “Wish Lists” Only For Kids?When I was a kid, my parents always asked me to create a “wish list” for any birthday presents and Christmas gifts that I wanted. Since this was my chance to get everything I desired, I often had a running list that was multiple pages long! Read below to find out several reasons why adults should be doing wish lists as well..... Top 5 reasons adults should have a wish list: 1. It prioritizes “wants”. Just like to-do lists, a wish list can help you rank those things you want to purchase in order of importance. This list will ensure you get the most important things you want first. 2. It helps with budgeting. With a wish list; you will likely save for your “wants” instead of putting them on a credit card. We all could use some improvement in delaying immediate gratification. We live in a “microwave society” where we want everything now. Ever heard of “Minute Rice”? Or “Slim-Fast”? 3. It eliminates awkward moments. Remember as a kid when you opened that package of socks or underwear? What kid wants socks for Christmas? You were mortified! Sharing your list with a spouse or family members with whom you exchange gifts will likely result in you receiving more wanted items. This will eliminate those fake smiles you have perfected after opening grandma’s keepsake butter knife! 4. It gets rid of clutter. Many of us purchase way too many things that end up collecting dust. Our garages are stacked with crap that won’t be moved until the next earthquake! Having a wish list will eliminate much of this junk. This means less clutter. 5. It saves money. No need to pay for that monthly storage unit if you don’t overload on stuff you won’t use. No more paying interest on credit cards if you save for those “wants”. Do you use a wish list as an adult? What kinds of things do you use it for? Comments are closed.