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Thanksgiving and Christmas are already upon us. It’s the season of giving and time with loved ones. We have some ideas you’ll want to consider to make your holidays even better..... Here are 6 tips you’ll want to check out 1) Changing the Day of Christmas? Plan ahead for the big day! 2) How To Avoid Taxes On Gifts Make sure Uncle Sam doesn't spoil your plans of giving! 3) Unique Giving Idea to Help Girl Scouts...You Have to Read This Have some fun this holiday season...and help the kids! 4) How To Get A Tax Deduction For Vehicle Donations Specific rules exist for donating vehicles if you want a tax deduction 5) 9 Reasons Why You Should Never Loan Money To Friends Or Family Don’t make this a Christmas to forget! 6) 6 Tips on Deducting Charitable Contributions With Your Tax Return Be sure to maximize those deductions! Feel free to contact us with any questions on the above articles...we’re here to help! On a personal note, thank you for all the support and kind words over the past couple months. Christina and I feel very blessed to spend the holidays with our newly arrived son, Connor. He is just over six weeks old now...and doing great! Here is a picture of our little guy. Comments are closed.