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3/25/2021 3rd StimulusYet another stimulus was passed in mid-March to give many Americans more relief from financial setbacks related to the COVID pandemic….. The IRS started sending out payments for this most recent stimulus on Friday March 12, and continues to send out payments to qualifying recipients.
If you haven’t received your payment, don’t panic as payments are being sent in several batches. And if for some reason your payment does not make it to you, and you qualify to receive the payment, you may be able to recover this 3rd stimulus on your 2021 return (just like the first two are able to be recovered on your 2020 tax return). **IRS projects stimulus payments to non-filer Social Security and other federal beneficiaries will be disbursed starting April 7th. While we could go through numerous details about this latest stimulus, the IRS has provided a thorough website link to answer common questions regarding the 3rd stimulus payment. Click here to access this page on IRS.gov. Comments are closed.