Making Finances Simple. Changing Lives.
Will I miss out on anything by working remotely?
Our process was designed to ensure no stones are un-turned. You’ll receive “What’s Next” info so you’re never in the dark as it relates to your tax return status.
When prepping tax returns, we always compare the previous year’s return with the current year in order to make sure nothing is missed from year-to-year. We also put together a thorough email for you with a list of missing items, along with advice on maximizing deductions, and suggestions on retirement and other strategic moves.
We make ourselves available to answer any and all questions...just email or call anytime! We always respond within one business day; so if you don't hear from us in that time-frame, it’s likely your email got lost or your call didn't make it to us. We like to say "If your questions aren't answered, you likely never asked the questions!"
When prepping tax returns, we always compare the previous year’s return with the current year in order to make sure nothing is missed from year-to-year. We also put together a thorough email for you with a list of missing items, along with advice on maximizing deductions, and suggestions on retirement and other strategic moves.
We make ourselves available to answer any and all questions...just email or call anytime! We always respond within one business day; so if you don't hear from us in that time-frame, it’s likely your email got lost or your call didn't make it to us. We like to say "If your questions aren't answered, you likely never asked the questions!"
© 2025 Peshke Financial Inc., all rights reserved. NMLS #2244878. DRE #02210589. "Making Finances Simple. Changing Lives." is a registered trademark with USPTO. Material contained in this website is for informational purposes only and is not meant to be construed as direct financial advice for your specific situation. It is recommended that you consult with your own advisors for any personalized financial guidance. Since we’re not licensed attorneys, we cannot provide legal advice. As such, any info contained in this website should not be construed as direct legal advice. Individual Licensure (see profiles) - click here. Send Docs Securely - click here. Privacy Policy - click here.