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Financial Well-Being Assessment
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Date of Birth
Children (list names & ages)
1) If you were independently wealthy and didn't need to work for a living, do you know how you'd spend those "free" 40 hours per week?
Yes - absolutely
Kind of
No - not a clue
2) Do you have a specific cause in life that you're undeniably drawn to?
Yes - absolutely
Kind of
No - not a clue
3) Are you actively and consistently pursuing that cause?
Yes - absolutely
Kind of
No - not really (or no cause)
4) If an outsider were to look at your life, which of the following would that person select to best describe your daily pursuit?
Rat Race
Money Chase
God's Pace
5) If asked by a friend, would you be able to share with that friend what cause your spouse is truly passionate about?
Yes - absolutely
Kind of
No - not a clue
6) When you're around certain people, are you ever embarrassed or insecure about your home, cars, wedding ring/jewelry, or clothing?
No - never
Yes - quite often
7) Do you feel in any way pressured to adhere to social standards as far as experiences you pursue? (consider where you go for vacation, places at which you stay, restaurants where you dine, etc.)
No - never
Yes - quite often
8) Do you and your spouse keep money separated, or join all money together as one unit?
We keep money totally separate
We combine some money & keep some separate
We join all money together as one unit
1) If you inherited $50,000 tomorrow, would you and your spouse immediately know [together] exactly how that money would be applied?
Yes - absolutely
Kind of
No - not a clue
2) Can you confidently say your current spending habits accurately reflect what's most important to you in life?
Yes - absolutely
Yes - for the most part
No - not really
No - not at all
3) Which of the following do you currently see as your future source(s) of retirement income? (Select all that apply)
Pension (from work)
Saved money (401k, 403b, IRA's, Stocks/Mutual Funds, Savings, etc.)
Rental Property
Social Security
Not sure
4) Given the above, do you feel you're currently on track for retirement by your target age?
Yes - absolutely
Kind of - working on a plan to get on track
Not sure
Absolutely not
5) Do you generally look forward to going to work, or absolutely dread the thought of your job?
Absolutely love everything about my job
Mostly like it - there are more pluses than minuses
It's okay - there are more minuses than pluses
Hate the idea of going to my job
6) Which of the following best describes the reason you work your current job?
Strictly for the money
No specific reason - just happen to have this job
Engages my talents & passion, for the benefit of helping others
7) What percentage of your income do you give away to your church and/or other causes?
11% or more
8) Do you desire to, or wish you could give more?
Yes - definitely
Sometimes - pretty comfortable though with current giving
No - not really
1) Do you have a REGULAR & DOCUMENTED format for tracking your FINANCIAL progress over time? (i.e. - keeping a record of all assets & liabilities with a net worth statement/personal balance sheet)
Yes - exact figures are documented at least annually
Not really - inconsistent with this, or only have a general idea
No - this isn't really tracked
2) Do you have a process for CONSISTENTLY recording INTANGIBLES (non-net worth items) you've received in exchange for the money you've spent/invested over time? (i.e. - documenting achievements such as supporting missionaries, paying for kids' private school/college education, spouse staying home from work to be with child, etc.)
Yes - these items are routinely recorded
Not really - write some things down and have general idea
No - not really recorded
3) Do you struggle with managing irregular income (variable business income, bonuses, commissions, overtime, part-time, etc.) far as budgeting and knowing what's truly available for you to use?
Kind of
4) Which best describes your first financial thought when a mechanic says you need new brakes?
Uh oh - There's no way we can afford this right now
Bummer - This is going to hurt our savings and ability to buy/do other things
Prepared - I'm glad we budgeted and planned ahead for things like this
5) Do you have a specific allotment known to you and your spouse for what you'll spend on groceries this month?
Yes - and we absolutely stick to it
Kind of - we discuss here and there
No - we haven't really discussed or put a plan in place
6) Does Christmas time often find you financially strapped with the extra expenses for gifts and entertainment during the holiday season?
Yes - we're usually not prepared
Kind of - could be better
No - we're well prepared and plan for these expenses
7) Do you lose sleep at night thinking about your finances? (because of debt, feeling unprepared/disorganized, not being on track for retirement, etc.)
Almost never
8) Which of the options to the right best describes what you've experienced due to your current financial situation?
At least three of the options
Two or more of the options
Just one of the options
None of the options
1) Marriage conflict (out of the ordinary)
2) Depression
3) Stress/Anxiety
4) Feelings of insignificance/worthlessness
1) Are you and your spouse BOTH fully capable of handling all bills? (i.e. - knowing what bills are due, what amounts are due, when they're due, how they're paid, how to find payee account numbers and passwords, etc.)
Yes - we're both 100% equipped to handle this task
Kind of - it would be a bit of a struggle for one of us
Not at all - one of us would be pretty lost
2) How do you keep each other accountable for money spent?
We really don't - no plan at all
Occasional discussions - nothing specifically organized
With a structured system - planned ahead & monitored
3) Do you reconcile ALL credit card and bank transactions, by comparing your data with what your institutions show?
Yes - always
No - never
4) If asked for any financial record (investment account statement, insurance policy, living trust, property tax bill, vehicle title, etc.) would you and your spouse BOTH know immediately where to find the item?
Yes - absolutely would be able to find all
Kind of - have a general idea but would be a struggle
No - no way we'd both be equipped for this
5) How comfortable are you with being able to easily provide the info needed to prep your tax return?
Well organized - piece of cake
Not as organized as I'd like - it's a bit of a struggle
It's an all-out scramble - pain in the neck
6) Would you panic if you received a notice from the IRS that said it was auditing one of your tax returns?
Yes - either because I don't have clean records or am not confident in tax return accuracy/integrity
Kind of - not really sure how it would play out
No - I'm comfortable with reporting and know where to easily find all required information
7) Which best describes your guilt level when making a purchase you aren't sure you can truly afford (or is not in your plan)?
Life is too short and I work I don't worry about it
I feel initial guilt...then I often purchase the item anyway
I don't buy things that aren't in my budget
8) If you had the opportunity to go on your dream vacation at a steep discount (for example, a 2-week Hawaii trip for $5,000 that might normally cost $15,000)...but you didn't readily have the money to even pay for the discounted rate, what would you do?
Use a credit card
Not go on the trip
Find a way to go (selling things, giving up other trip, etc.)
1) Assume you unexpectedly pass away tonight in your sleep. Would your spouse, children or other dependent loved ones be okay financially with the loss of your income?
Yes - absolutely
Kind of
No - not a chance
2) Assume you got into a devastating skiing accident and became severely disabled, leaving you unable to perform your current job. Would your spouse, children or other dependent loved ones be IN TROUBLE financially with the loss of your income?
Yes - no plan in place for this
Kind of
No - all would be okay
3) If a visitor fell in your home and filed a lawsuit, do you feel 100% comfortable you would NOT have a devastating financial loss as a result?
Yes - absolutely
Kind of
No - not really
4) If an earthquake, fire, flood, or other natural disaster destroyed your home, would you be 100% confident in knowing you WOULD be covered without a devastating financial loss?
Yes - absolutely
Kind of
No - not really
5) Do you have a legal document in place (will, trust, etc.) that determines who would be the guardians of your child(ren) and/or who would be the beneficiaries of your estate if you and your spouse passed away tomorrow?
Yes - absolutely
Kind of - not refined/updated
No - not really
6) Other than credit monitoring, do you have a plan for protecting and recovering your identity should it be compromised?
Yes - absolutely
Kind of - not sure on reliability
No - not really
7) If you got into a car accident that totaled your vehicle, are you confident you'd be able to replace your vehicle without major financial implications?
Yes - absolutely
Kind of - not sure
No - not really
8) If you got into a car accident that caused a major injury, would you feel comfortable in knowing you wouldn't be liable for the resulting medical and/or legal expenses?
Yes - definitely
Kind of - not sure
No - not really
1) How good are you at keeping your commitments as far as achieving goals that you set (i.e. - exercise plans, diets, spending less money, quitting smoking/drinking, spending more time with family/friends, etc.)?
Great - I make commitments and stick with them long term (>1 year)
Okay - I don't always set goals, and when I do they usually fade after time passes
Terrible - I either don't set goals or don't stick with commitments at all
2) Do you and your spouse REGULARLY & CONSISTENTLY (monthly, quarterly, or annually) sit down with each other to review your finances (including budget, retirement progress, insurance review, estate planning situation, etc.)?
Yes - and we're pretty good at sticking with is
Not really - we talk about scheduling, but it doesn't really happen
No - we don't calendar these discussions and don't really do reviews
3) Do you currently have an individual, or several individuals, who serve as a CONSISTENT sounding board for your major life decisions (jobs, finances, goals, etc?
Yes - feel pretty set here
Kind of - not as structured and set as I'd like
No - could definitely improve here
4) Which of the following professional advisors would you list as being an important part of your current "advisory team"? (that you routinely access for help...and trust referring to others)
Asset/Money Manager
Attorney/Estate Planner
Financial Advisor/Planner
Financial Coach/Mentor
General Mentor
Insurance Agent
Mortgage Lender/Advisor
Pastor/Church Leader
Tax Preparer/CPA
5) Which of the following was most influential in teaching/guiding you about money while growing up, and through your early adult years?
Home - parents or guardians
School - teachers, education system
Professional - financial planner or other advisor
None of the above - self taught
6) Do you feel like the above adequately prepared you for your financial life as a married adult?
Yes - absolutely
Yes - for the most part
No - not really
No - not at all
7) When faced with any important decisions (on money, work, etc.), do you and your spouse make those decisions together, ensuring both are satisfied with the resulting choice?
Yes - 100% of the time
Usually - more than half of the time
Rarely - almost never
8) How often do you and your spouse "fight" about money? (fight being defined as a heated conversation with no positive resolution)
Frequently - a few times per week
Occasionally - a few times per month
Rarely - almost never